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Krampus started off as a casual interest and has grown into a bit of an obsession. I'm determined to bring this mythical Bavarian figure into the mainstream and hope to organize a yearly Krampus celebration in this area.
To date, I've created live Krampus "outreach" in 2013 and 2014 (family illness/obligations meant putting Krampus on hold in 2015), with varying levels of acceptance locally. La Grotesquerie will continue to champion Krampus as much as possible in the coming years.
2016 Photos Coming Soon!
In 2014, I devised an elaborate Krampus costume for myself, complete with cloven hooves and horns, and attended a local holiday show which included punk bands and a burlesque performance. I fit right in!
For a local holiday bazaar, I was inspired to bring Krampus alive and into the festivities. He was a hit with many, but halfway through the event we were asked to put him away, as several patrons complained that he was scaring the children...
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