We ain't gonna give it up
as long as we got breath:
Sex and Death!!
The answer to life's mystery
is simple and direct:
Sex and Death!
Runnin' down the highway
and we ain't tired yet:
Sex and Death!
Motörhead, "Sex and Death"
In the 20th century . . . there seems to have
been an unremarked shift
in prudery; parallels between the fantasies which titillate our curiosity about the mystery of sex, and those which titillate our curiosity about the
mystery of death.
Geoffrey Gorer,"The pornography of death"
The femme fatale, witch, or vamp represents an outlawed form of female divinity, potency, genius, sexual agency, independence, vengeance, and death power.
Jane Caputi, "Goddesses and Monsters: Women, Myth, Power, and Popular Culture"